Supply Lists
1 - Full Size Backpack
1 - Bottle of Hand Sanitizer
1 - Box of Tissues
1 - Roll of Paper Towels
1 - Vinyl Folding Nap Mat
1 - 4 Pack Black Expo, Low Odor, Chisel Tip, Thick Dry Erase Markers (No Thin or Fine Tip)
1 - 4 Pack Black Expo, Low Odor, Chisel Tip, Thick Dry Erase Markers (No Thin or Fine Tip)
1 - 70 Page, Wide Rule, Solid Color Spiral Notebook
1 - Corded, durable set of headphones (NO EARBUDS)
1 - (GIRLS ONLY) Box of Quart Ziploc Bags
1 - (GIRLS ONLY) Pkg. Baby Wet Wipes1 - (BOYS ONLY) Box of Gallon Ziploc Bags
1 - (BOYS ONLY) Pkg. Clorox Wipes
1 - Backpack w/o wheels, labeled with student's name
1 - Plastic school box (no metal, cloth, or decorated)
2 - Plastic folders with brads (1 blue, 1 green)
1 - Package #2 yellow wooden pencils
1 - Roll of paper towels
2 - Boxes of Kleenex
2 - Mead K-2 Primary Journals
2 - Large pink erasers
2 - Packages washable markers
4 - Black Expo, low odor, chisel tip, dry erase markers
4 - Boxes of 24 count CRAYOLA brand crayons (no jumbo crayons)
1 - Pair blunt Fiskar brand scissors, labeled with student's name
10 - Regular glue sticks
1 - Bottle of Elmer's liquid glue
1 - CRAYOLA brand watercolors
1 - Bottle of hand sanitizer
1 - Zipper pouch with three holes
1 - Corded, durable set of headphones (NO EARBUDS)
1 - (BOYS ONLY) box of baby wipes
1 - (BOYS ONLY) box of gallon size Ziploc bags with slider
1 - (GIRLS ONLY) box of Clorox wipes
1 - (GIRLS ONLY) box of quart size Ziploc bags with slider
1st Grade
1st Grade
1 - Corded, durable set of headphones (NO EARBUDS)
1 - Backpack without wheels, labeled with student's name
4 - Plastic folders with brads and pockets: 1 red, 1 blue, 1 green, 1 yellow (SOLID COLORS ONLY)
1 - Large pink eraser (PINK ONLY)
2 - Rolls paper towels
2 - Large boxes of Kleenex
2 - Mead K-2 Primary Journals
1 - Package of 4 Black Expo, low odor, chisel tip, dry erase markers
3 - Boxes 24 count CRAYOLA brand crayons, no jumbo crayons
1 - Pair blunt Fiskar brand scissors, labeled with student's name
1 - Package 9x12 manila paper
1 - Box sandwich size Ziploc bags
4 - Large glue sticks (no little glue sticks)
1 - Hard plastic school box (regular size)
2 - Pkgs of 10 or more #2 yellow wooden pencils, pre-sharpened Ticonderoga preferred (NO DECORATED)
1 - Bottle hand sanitizer
1 - (BOYS ONLY) Antibacterial wipes
1 - (BOYS ONLY) Set CRAYOLA brand watercolors
1 - (GIRLS ONLY) Box of CRAYLOA brand washable markers
1 - (GIRLS ONLY)Container of Wet Ones or baby wipes
2nd Grade
1 - Plastic school box
5 - PLASTIC folders with brads and pockets: 1 blue, 1 purple, 1 red, 1 yellow, 1 green (SOLID COLORS ONLY)
2 - Composition notebooks (no spiral, no decoration. BLACK AND WHITE ONLY)
3 - Packages of 10 #2 wooden pencils (no decorations)
1 - 2 pack of big pink erasers
2 - Boxes 24 count CRAYOLA brand crayons
1 - Package colored pencils
1 - Pair POINTED scissors
2 - Elmer's glue sticks
3 - Large boxes of Kleenex
1 - (GIRLS ONLY) Box gallon Ziploc bags
1 - (BOYS ONLY) Box quart Ziploc bags
10 - Black Expo, low odor, chisel tip, dry erase markers
1 - Disinfectant wipes
1 - Bottle of hand sanitizer
1 - Package of wide ruled notebook paper
1 - Corded, durable set of headphones (NO EARBUDS)
3rd Grade
3rd Grade
1 - Backpack - no wheels
1 - Set of headphones
4 - Plastic folders with brads and pockets: red, yellow, blue, purple
3 - Composition journals
1 - Package colored pencils (10 count)
2 - Boxes of CRAYOLA brand crayons (24 count)
2 - Boxes of facial tissues
2 - Rolls of paper towels
2 - Packages of 4 count Expo markers
2 - Packages of CRAYOLA brand markers (10 count)
2 - Packages of glue sticks (2 count)
1 - Pair of scissors
1 - Package pink erasers
1 - Pencil Pouch
4th Grade
4th Grade
1 - Backpack - no wheels
1 - Set of headphones
5 - Plastic folders with brads and pockets: red, yellow, blue, green, purple
2 - Composition journals (black and white)
1 - Package colored pencils (12 count)
2 - Packages CRAYOLA brand markers (10 count)
2 - Boxes facial tissues
1 - Container Clorox wipes
2 - Rolls paper towels
2 - Packages of black Expo markers (2 count)
1 - Pair of scissors
1 - Pencil pouch
2 - Pack pink erasers
1 - (BOYS ONLY) Box gallon bags
1 - (GIRLS ONLY) Box quart bags
5th Grade
5th Grade
1 - Backpack - no wheels
1 - Set of headphones
5 - Plastic folders with brads and pockets: red, yellow, blue, green, purple
1 - Hand held pencil sharpener
2 - Packages of colored pencils (10 count)
1 - Box of CRAYOLA brand crayons (24 count)
4 - Boxes of facial tissues
2 - Containers of Clorox wipes
2 - Rolls of paper towels
1 - Box of gallon bags
2 - Packages pink erasers
1 - Pair of scissors
2 - 24 ct. Packages of pencils
6th Grade
6th Grade
Stay with students in bag:
Earbuds (no Bluetooth)
1 - pair of scissors
Earbuds (no Bluetooth)
1 - pair of scissors
1 - pack red pens
1 - pack black pens
2 - 48 pack yellow # 2 pencils
1 - 5 pack highlighters
To homeroom teacher:
3 - Clorox wipes
3 - 3 pack of tissues
1 - 3 pack glue sticks
1 - bottle hand sanitizer
3 - rolls of paper towels
3 - Clorox wipes
3 - 3 pack of tissues
1 - 3 pack glue sticks
1 - bottle hand sanitizer
3 - rolls of paper towels
1 - 6 pack expo markers
4 - packages notebook paper
6th Grade cont.
2 - blue pocket folders with brads
2 - blue pocket folders with brads
1 - 1 1/2 inch binder
2 - packages of dividers
2 - college ruled notebooks
2 - pocket folders w/ brads
2 - college ruled notebooks
2 - pocket folders w/ brads
Social studies:
1 pocket folder w/brad
7th Grade
7th Grade
Stay with students in bag:
Earbuds (no Bluetooth)
1 - pair of scissors
Earbuds (no Bluetooth)
1 - pair of scissors
To homeroom teacher:
2 - Clorox wipes
2 - hand sanitizer
2 - packs of #2 pencils
2 - packs of notebook paper
3 - boxes of tissues
1 - 24 count colored pencils
1 - roll paper towels
1 - 2 inch, 3 ring binder
2 - packages dividers
2 - packs of dry erase markers
1 - pocket folder with brads
7th Grade cont.
1 - 1 1/2 or 2 inch 3 ring binder
Reading **NO INK PENS**
2 - composition notebooks
4x6 index cards
Regular construction paper or long manila paper
1 - package college ruled paper
1 - pack of 4 highlighters
6 - glue sticks
1 - box of markers
1 - 2 inch 3 ring binder
1 - plastic folder (this will be used as writing folder only-write name on it)
1 - package dry erase markers
8th Grade
8th Grade
Stay with students in bag:
1 - Earbuds (no Bluetooth)
1 - USB computer mouse
1 - package of pencils
5 - pocket folders w/ brads
1 - USB computer mouse
1 - package of pencils
5 - pocket folders w/ brads
Black and red pens
To homeroom teacher:
1 - hand sanitizer
1 - 3 pack of tissues
2 - glue sticks
1 - pack expo markers
2 - packages notebook paper
1 - Clorox wipes
1 - pack of 5 tab index dividers
1 - one inch binder
1 - pack of 3x5 index cards
8th Grade cont.
Social Studies
2 - black Sharpies
1 - pack of 5 highlighters
1 - composition notebook
1 - pack of 5 highlighters
1 - composition notebook
1 - pack #2 pencils
1 - pack of 5 highlighters
1 - composition notebook
2 - Clorox wipes
1 - roll paper towels
1 - 8 pack fine Crayola markers
1 - pack #2 pencils
1 - roll paper towels
1 - Clorox wipes
1 - roll paper towels
1 - Clorox wipes
Special Education/Life Skills
Special Education/Life Skills Students Only
2 - spiral notebooks
1 - box quart size baggies
1 - box sandwich size baggies
1 - package construction paper
1 - box 10 count markers
1 - pair rounded scissors
1 - package 8x11 manila paper
10 - glue sticks
1 - earbuds or headphones
2 - blue pocket folders with brads
2 - boxes Kleenex
2 - rolls paper towels
2 - boxes crayons
2 - boxes #2 pencils
1 - pencil box (no pouches!)
1 - Clorox wipes
1 - primary journal
Art Class
To Art Teacher
1 - art sketchbook, 9x12 or larger
1 - folder with pockets and brads
1 - full size scissors
2 - paint brushes (any size)
1 - package colored pencils
1 - Crayola brand watercolor set
1 - box of Fine Point black Sharpie markers
1 - box of Crayola brand crayons
1 - pack of Crayola brand markers
1 - box of #2 pencils
1 - ruler
2 - white erasers
1 - hand-held drawing sharpener
Please drop off the above items to middle school art, room 505.